Former Secretary of Planning (MME) and Former President of Eletrobrás

Graduated in electrical engineering from UFPE, he was a professor at the University until 1970. He holds a postgraduate degree in nuclear energy from the University of São Paulo (USP), with a specialization in administration at UFPE and in hydroelectricity at New Japan Engineering Consultants (Newjec), in Osaka , Japan. He also holds a postgraduate degree in engineering from UFRJ, with a specialization in administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and USP, and in energy planning at the Institut National des Sciences et Techniques de Saclay, in Paris. He worked as an engineer at Sudene and on the technical team of the Coordinating Committee for Energy Studies in the Northeast Region (Enenorde). He participated in the elaboration of the main programs and expansion plans for electrical systems formulated in the 1970s. In 1981, he became head of the Generation Planning Division and, in 1983, the head of the Generation Department, of the Planning and Engineering Directorate (DPE ) of Eletrobras. It participated in the elaboration of the ten-year generation programs and the 2000 and 2010 plans, which established long-term guidelines for the expansion of the country's electrical systems. He was deputy coordinator of the 2015 Plan, published by Eletrobrás in 1993. He also held the position of international technical coordinator of the Electric Systems Planning Subcommittee of the Regional Electric Integration Commission (Cier) and technical director of Itaipu Binacional. He became responsible for the operation, maintenance, engineering and construction areas of the binational company. Cumulatively, he was responsible for the general management of Itaipu Binacional. In 2001, he was a member of the Commission for the Analysis of the Hydrothermal Electric Energy System (Cashee) created to identify the structural and conjunctural causes of the energy crisis that would force the imposition of electricity rationing in a large part of the country. He left Itaipu Binacional to assume the presidency of Eletrobrás. He left the presidency of Eletrobrás in early 2003. In 2008, he assumed the position of Secretary of Energy Planning and Development of the MME, by appointment of Minister Edson Lobão.

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